Program & Pricing
Registration Packets: Downloadable Forms
(for those who've paid their registration fee)
Health Screening Report – Facility Personnel, Working Parent(s) (LIC 503)
Child’s Pre-admission Health Evaluation, Physician’s Report (LIC 701)
Child’s Pre-admission Health History, Parent’s Report (LIC 702)
Consent for Medical Treatment (LIC 627) in duplicate
Identification and Emergency Information, Day Care Centers (LIC 700)
Parent’s Rights Form (LIC 995)Personal Rights – Child Care Facilities (LIC 613A)
Bayshore Co-op Preschool accepts children who are 2.5 to 5 years old.
All children attending the preschool must be potty-trained, have received a doctor’s physical and all immunizations.
The parent(s) who volunteer at the school are required to receive a doctor’s physical, TB test, Tdap vaccination, and full COVID vaccination before the school year begins.
Tuition for the preschool program for school year 2024-2025 is $280 per month for 9 months.
School hours are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Our school year runs September through June, beginning one week after and ending one week before the Long Beach Unified School District.
Each family must also pay a nonrefundable $150.00 registration fee upon acceptance, along with a nonrefundable $175.00 insurance fee at the beginning of the school year.
Tuition and fees are subject to change yearly.