Play... Play... and more Play
The Bayshore Co-op Preschool’s curriculum is developmental and play based. The structured program includes a morning welcome session, time to play outdoors in the bike yard, snack time, a small group teacher-led educational activity, an hour of free choice play, clean-up time, and story time, and ends with play time on the Bayshore Playground.
To enhance our curriculum, children take several field trips a year to places like the fire station, Trader Joe’s, the Aquarium of the Pacific, and the El Dorado Nature Center. We also invite visitors to our school to teach and entertain our students. Past visitors have included a lifeguard, police officers, yoga instructors, skateboard safety expert, animal enthusiasts, and musical entertainers.
The philosophy of the Bayshore Co-operative Preschool is that children learn by
example, by exposure, by experiences, by interacting with and being encouraged
in a safe and secure environment; the end result being a child with a strong sense of self-esteem.
The goals of the Bayshore Co-op Preschool are:
1. To help the child get along with and respect other people.
2. To provide experiences appropriate for all ages so that each child can take from it what he or she needs at that particular time.
3. To help parents achieve a better understanding and enjoyment of their child through observation and interaction as their child progresses through the growth stages.
4. To help the child become more aware of the world around him or her.